Did I mention I get really busy?
Opps! There is really no excuse for the neglect I have bestoed upon my blog.
However although I have nelected to write here I have not completely neglected my fabric stash and passion for fashion.
This skirt is a recent addition to my developing wardrobe for the upcoming summer. The fabric, bought *cough* last summer on my trip to Sydney sat patiently while I focused on my university studies, until about 3 months ago when I casually decided that this skirt was the skirt. The skirt that I must wear for a date the coming Saturday. Due date established I furiously set to work cutting, sewing, tacking, sewing, unpicking, and resewing until finally Friday night, wala! Skirt finished, and in time fore the big night! I have to admit I was sceptical about my ability to finish it in time. I wanted it to be perfect so I could casually say oh yeah it was nothing (despite the hours of labour I had put into making it.)
I followed the pattern closely making slight alterations to make the waist smaller to fit my own. The waist was cut at a size 8 tapering out to a size 10 for a fuller skirt effect. The main complication in the construction was in the waistband, the fabic has a beautiful indented square design, and in fusing the interface to the front of the waistband this design was flattened. To fix this I changed the interfaced piece to the inside of the skirt having the "lining" on the outside so the indented fabric could shine in all its glory.
Outfit Details:
Skirt: Burda style 7370
Camosole: Supré
Wrap Cardigan: Metalicus
Sandles: Dotti